============================================================== AMIC PD-TERM v.58 **** OWNERSHIP REGISTRATION INFORMATION **** -------------------------------------------------------------- NOVEMBER 1, 1987 1) In order to register as an owner of AMIC PD-TERM v.58 and receive a fully validated working disk and documentation. Please follow these instructions: VALID ONLY: November 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 a) Mail US $30.00 check or money order, SASE and a disk; or b) Mail US $35.00 and a SASE only to: AMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 3426 MENDOCINO AVENUE SANTA ROSA, CA. 95401 TELEPHONES: 707-579-1320 (VOICE) 707-579-0523 (MODEM) AMIC-2000 PLEASE NOTE::: We are presently working on making our product commercial through standard marketing avenues which is why after December 31, 1987 we will no longer be able to allow ownership registration at these very affordable prices. Thank you! PS: Registration as a Founding Member to AMIC-2000 our 16 line BBS ends December 31, 1987. Try us out for three (3) free hours by connecting online to our modem tele- phone number above. At present we have over 2000 AMIGA files up and running on (8) lines. We offer real-time conferencing, message boards and more. With your help we will be able to live up to our name as the: AMIGA MAGIC INFORMATION CENTER ============================================================== THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ***** DAVID ***** AL ***** CHRIS ==============================================================